
Search411 Marketing Intern

About This Position:

We are looking for interns to work with our marketing team to establish and promote our online presence, along with on campus activities to promote and support students looking for internships and permanent positions.  Successful candidates will be creative, with initiatives, be resourceful and self-reliant.  Must be organized, with some background in online marketing and ability to conduct research and interpret statistical data.  It will also be helpful if you are connected with student organizations and campus activities.

About Search411:

We have revolutionized the recruiting and job search process from months to minutes. Our mission here at Search411 is to help streamline the hiring process for the recruiting manager and the job search process for the job hunters. The founders of Search411 are veterans of the high-tech industry with decades of experiences in the process of recruiting talents for various levels of corporate hierarchy. Based on our extensive experience along with the latest advancements in computer technology, we have developed a set of tools targeted to make the hiring process more efficient and thus less frustrating. The result is significant savings in both time and overhead cost as compared to current industry standards.

Job Qualifications: